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Dramatized city walking tour

Grades 4–6
Medeltidsklädd kvinna står med en korg på armen framför et medeltida, lerklinat hus.

A milk hare has been stealing milk from the cows and a woman suspects her neighbor of witchcraft. The townsmen have gathered in the square to ensure that justice is served. Should the suspect be acquitted or sentenced to a suitable punishment?

The city walking tour takes you around the oldest parts of Trelleborg. The tour begins and ends at the Medieval House at Trelleborgen. We visit the monastery, Old Square, the church and places associated with old legends or interesting archaeological discoveries.

Target Group: Grades 4 – 6
Duration: 120 minutes
Groups Size: Full class
Cost: 2100 SEK, 2 educators
Location: Staring and ending at the Medieval House at Trelleborgen


Phone: 0410-73 30 21