Ella – 100 years ago

Ella och Nell.

In the exhibition “Stadslifv”, you can follow the fictional girl Ella. Listen as Ella tells about her everyday life in early 20th-century Trelleborg. You’ll hear about what it’s like to go to school, her brothers who already work in the factory and her dreams for the future.

The trail for the curious

En djurliknande varelse med guldränder på nosen sitter framför en gul vägg.

The Trail for the Curious is an imaginative audio experience for both young and old in the Öga mot Öga exhibition. The Little Creature, neither human nor animal, becomes your companion throughout the exhibition.

Crawl trail

Ett modellånglok kör på en räls invid en modell av Trelleborgs järnvägsstation.

The Crawl Trail is an interactive trail for the youngest visitors. When the friendly sheep bleats, the lights turn on in the blue house or the train chugs into the tunnel, children can control the activities using the yellow buttons. Everything happens at a crawl-friendly level and yellow handprints on the floor show the way.